Kinesio Taping Classes

Courses are open to all allied health professionals and allied health students in approved programs.

Karen is one of 3 certified kinesio taping instructors in California and has been teaching since 2003 domestically and internationally.

KT1/KT2, KT3 Registration Form

Kinesio Taping Association International:Published Research.
You can download the Kinesio Taping Courses Registration form here.
For additional course information or availability: Contact us or call 408.402.3228.

Upcoming Classes

Please call  408.402.3228 or contact us for our schedule of kinesio taping classes.

Course Outline

Purpose: To give an overview of basic muscle taping applications, the history and concepts of Kinesio Tape.
Required Text: Kinesio Taping Work Book KT1
Course Objectives:
1. Be able to describe basic application principles, differentiating taping from P→D (O→I ) and D→P (I→O)

2. Demonstrate correct application of Kinesio Tape using basic I, Y, and X strips.

3. Understand the benefits and limitations of Kinesio Tape.

8:45 Registration and set-up
9:00 Introduction
9:15 Kinesio Taping Method—History, Concepts, Qualities
Intro Lab

“Peel” and “Tear” backing

Elasticity—longitudinal vs cross-wise % stretch

5 major physiological effects

Basic Muscle application demo—Sacrospinalis—Continuing concepts and theories

Muscle function

Muscle Application “direction” Tape–Upper Trapezius

10:45 Break Joint function, Biotensiegrity
Application Principles and Rules

KinesioTaping Tools

Introduction to Database and KT Assessment Screening

12:15 KT cervical Flexion Assessment; Muscle application Cervical paraspinals
KT Cervical Extension Assessment; Muscle application Scalenius Anterior
1:15-2:15 Lunch
2:15 KT Trunk Flexion Assessment muscle example Sacrospinalis—already demo’d
Rectus Abdominus

KT Pectoral Girdle Assessment; Muscle application Rhomboid Major-Pectoralis Major

KT Hip Rotation Assessment; Muscle application Gluteus Medius

KT Leg raise Assessment; Muscle application Quadriceps femoris

4:45 Review of Principles, Questions
5:15 Muscle Supplemental Taping Techniques* Lab
Extensor digitorum



Biceps Brachii


6:30 Course ends
Purpose: To improve Kinesio Taping Method and Applications to enhance muscle function and recovery.
Required Text: Kinesio Taping KT2 Work Book
Suggested Text: Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method—CTA (corresponding
Page #’s for reference in parenthesis)
Course Objectives:
1. Be able to describe uses for and demonstrate correct application of Kinesio Tape for specific corrective taping techniques.

2. Be able to use Kinesio Tape in the clinic to effectively enhance normal treatment practices for common musculoskeletal problems.

8:00 Overnight Responses, Review of Kinesio Tape concepts, theories and application guidelines
8:30 Corrective Techniques Lecture
Mechanical Correction: Y, tension on Tails; y, tension on base; I, tension in middle

Lab—Patellar tracking

Mechanical Correction Shoulder Instability glenohumeral: AC, humeral head depression

Fascia Correction –oscillation and gliding: Y, tension on base, tails and ram’s head

Lab—lateral epicondylitis, ITB

10:30-10:45 Break
11:00 Corrective Techniques cont.
Space Correction: I, Star, donut hole cuts; tension in the middle

Lab: elbow, lbp, cts, wrist flexor inhibition with button hole anchor, epicondylitis

Space Correction: web cut tension in the middle

Lab: elbow, knee

Ligament/Tendon Correction: I, tension in middle

Lab: Achilles, MCL,

12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30 Corrective Techniques cont
Ligament Correction—plantar fasciitis with transverse arch

Lab: plantar fasciitis

Functional Correction: I, tent or bridge

Lab—Ankle DF (dropfoot), wrist flexion or extension

Circulatory/Lymphatic Correction: fan precut and self cut, peel and tear


4:00 Treatment Progression Finger Sprain
4:30 Documentation, Billing, Corrective Techniques Questions, Vocabulary, CKTP info, KTAI membership info, relevant websites, Course Review
5:00-5:30 Questions, Case Studies, Course Evaluation

Bonus if time permits: Scar Management introduction

Purpose: Assimilate and progress clinical problem solving skills using the Kinesio Taping MethodRequired Text: Kinesio Taping Work Book (provided)

Suggested Text: Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method (page #’s in parenthesis)

Course Objectives:

1. Review and expand on the concepts of the Kinesio Taping Method

2. Utilize and demonstrate application skills in guided laboratory sessions, including advanced techniques

3. Fulfill requirements to apply for Kinesio Taping Practitioner Certification through Kinesio Taping Association, USA.

8:30 Registration and set up9:00 Introductions

Success Stories, Troubleshooting, Questions

Review of Kinesio Tape concepts, theories

Review of Corrective Techniques

10:00 Clinical Concepts

Shoulder Impingement

Whiplash, Cervical Pain

Chondromalacia Patella

11:30 Break11:45 Advanced Concept/Lab: Fascial Manual Glide

Advanced Concept/Lab Scar Taping: “Basket Weave”

“Directional Pull Scar Application”, “Pitting Scars”

1:00 Epidermis, Dermis, Fascia concept lecture/lab

RSD hands (dermis), ankle sprain (epidermis)


1:30-2:30 Lunch2:30-6:00 (10 min break at 4:15) Clinical Condition Applications*

Possible applications:

TMJ disorder


Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (shin splints)

Ankle/Foot-Hallux Valgus (p205)

Neck/Back-Brachial Neuropraxia (p 70)

Groin Pull/Strain

De Quervain’s

Gamekeepers thumb, mallet finger.

6:10-6:30 Other Kinesio Taping education Opportunities, Q & A

* Actual applications demonstrated will vary depending on participant interest and time. At least 4 will be presented.

Kinesio Taping Association International: Published Research
For additional course information or availability: Contact Body Dynamic at or call 408.402.3228.

Kinesio Taping Courses Pricing

Pricing subject to change. (Updated May 2019)

Taping Course Instructor

Karen Woodbeck
Karen Woodbeck
Karen has been a Kinesio Taping Association International Instructor since 2003. She has been privileged to teach domestically and internationally in courses and conferences from Ireland to Italy, France and Northern Ireland, Pennsylvania and Virginia to Louisiana and concentrating in the West in California. Karen has been honored to present at APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting and the NATA National Convention. Body Dynamic hosts several classes every year locally in San Jose.

Karen enjoys problem solving and finding Kinesio Taping applications that give clients tools to reduce pain and improve function as a part of their home program. She often teaches clients and their helpers how to tape, facilitating follow through during daily and sports activities to maximize results.